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What is eDM?

E-DirectMarketing, EDM :

Is sent through e-mail sent to the network user's mailbox way, regardless of frontiers, and the Internet marketplace eDM also a cost-effective marketing model, compared to the traditional way of fast and efficient despatch DM, while eDM good keynote affect open letter, good content with the product to be able to guide the consumer point of reading your site.

In the real world we are to do marketing with television, magazines, newspaper sites, broadcasting, advertising flyers. In contrast, in the trading network in the world, you use keywords, eDM do marketing exposure for propaganda purposes.

Due to the popularity of science and technology developed, the Internet, the original use of print ads (DM) of the company, have to use Internet advertising (eDM), considered eDM belongs to a low-cost, saving manpower, fast, wide services as a way of marketing one way, is also a most direct and customer contact.

eDM positioning and target

Do not underestimate the e-mail marketing campaigns, as long as you have innovative ideas and alternative ideas, e-mail will become an indispensable tool for:


  •      Development of new pathways, so that more potential customers into actual customers

  •      Increase the permeability of the company's brand and reputation

  •      Promote new products and concepts

  •      Minimal marketing expenses and greater sales

  •      Improve customer for your company's products / services Loyalty

  •      Customers to recommend more customers

  •      Repeat with existing customers to increase the likelihood of your purchase


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